I could not make it to the inauguration of Puerto Peñasco Mayor Castro and his administration today. However, it was not because I didn’t want to be there. I surely did. But for various reasons it was not in the cards for me to attend the event at the convention center. Therefore, I simply had to settle for being there in spirit.
Granted, I realize my ability to speak and understand Español remains limited. Still, I thought I could pick up enough words to get the gist of things. In addition, I knew I could get a clear sense of the feeling in the room and how the crowd was reacting.
Electing Mayor Castro Was a Vote for Change
Change is constant. Yet that doesn’t mean it happens easily. In Rocky Point, the Munro and Pivac families have run the local government since 2015. Perhaps the biggest reason, the latest family member didn’t win the 2024 election was the power of the Moreno Party. Its local candidate was Oscar Eduardo Castro Castro, M.D. To his credit, he campaigned hard for change with messages of community, security, and equality. As a sign of his effectiveness, he seemed to draw some big crowds for his speeches.

In a small Mexican town with a population less than 75,000 people, it doesn’t take a whole lot of votes to win. Traditionally, the turnout is low. After all, the exercise of voting means standing in line in the summer heat and humidity to cast your ballot the old-fashioned way. It also means you must believe your vote counts and you care enough to put in the time and effort to make sure it does.
Dr. Oscar Castro, a general surgeon, became Puerto Peñasco Mayor Castro because his party and his campaigning locally got more people to care and vote. Keep in mind, the top 3 candidates for mayor finished within a few thousand votes of each other. And because it was far from a landslide victory, the work to serve the people and win them over is just beginning.
Rocky Point Rumors
Rocky Point Mexico and rumors co-exist. Sometimes the relationship is dormant. Other times it is quite active. For instance, “Is it safe to go to Rocky Point?” In my years of experience, I have found this question is often answered passionately by those who know the least. I’m referring to Americans who have never been to this Mexican seaside resort while they insist others avoid it, too. Go figure.
Then there are the ramblings and rumors about the cartels. I don’t proclaim to be an insider on these matters. Nor do I want to be. Instead, I keep my eyes and ears open and my mouth shut. What I do know is this. I have never had a problem in Mexico in all my years there. Furthermore, the same is true with all the people I’ve met.
Nonetheless, it should come as no surprise I heard corruption rumors linked to Puerto Peñasco Mayor Castro soon after the election results were confirmed. Quite frankly, I take much of what I hear with a few grains of salt and a shot of tequila. The ol’ TV reporter in me prefers to make his own observations and opinions.
Hope Over Hate
Keeping it personal, I like to think of myself as one of the great holders of hope anywhere. Hope is my power tool and greatest weapon considering the many setbacks and heartaches I have experienced in my life. Hope is positive. Meanwhile, complaining and criticizing is not.
Give me hope over hate any day. I am so tired of all the hate and vindictive attacks in American politics. I cannot wait for the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election to be over. The process is nowhere near as toxic in Mexico.

So my bottom line here is this…
Count me in for being hopeful early on about Puerto Peñasco Mayor Castro. I will admit I have not always felt that way about a new municipal president or mayor of Puerto Peñasco. Maybe it is partly because I seem to care more about the people and local community as the years come and go like waves on Sandy Beach.
Yes, I have been around long enough to know politics. I spent years covering politics in Washington, D.C. for ABC News. Plus, as an American voter and visiting Rocky Pointer, I realize a sense of skepticism is more than fair game when it comes to politicians anywhere in the world.
But let’s be reasonable. Dr. Eduardo Oscar Castro Castro, M.D. is obviously a smart and driven man. Besides, his skills and experience as a surgeon might come in handy as municipal president. He will need to figure out how to operate in a local community that has great needs but a serious lack of funding and resources.
I don’t know the man. Truth be told, I’ve never even met him but I hope to change that. So, from afar, it seems to me Puerto Peñasco Mayor Castro must have some interest in helping others, right? How about we choose hope for now? Give the new mayor / municipal president a fair chance and some time to prove himself.