“A little goes a long way.” Travelers heading to Rocky Point Mexico for a 3-day holiday weekend have just proven it again to be true. A quick and easy video story offering some Labor Day Love was the surprising reason.
The common phrase describes how one does not need a whole lot of something for it to have a great effect. Think about it. This can make for a fascinating process because all different kinds of recipes can be used in various ways.
Sometimes the results can turn out positive. On the other hand, we have all seen the opposite come true. Largely, this is increasingly likely because of the blending of traditional media and social media being the way it is today.
Getting Lucky with Labor Day Love
No, you, not that way. If your mind went to the nearest gutter, please pull it out. Lol. This is a Labor Day Love story rooted in spirituality not sexuality. Here goes.
A family was booked to stay with us at the Sonoran Sun 510 East condo for the 2024 Labor Day Weekend. They signed up for a dynamic debut as it was their first time visiting Rocky Point. I wanted to leave them a welcome gift. Plus, I had some business to do.
Puerto Peñasco was quiet. The proverbial “calm before the storm” so to speak. I took the photo below in the middle of Thursday afternoon just before I left the Sonoran Sun Resort. How is that for proof? WOW.

As I drove home to Arizona, I mostly thought of the reason I was leaving a day early. (I did also consider what a shame it was that the highway with Sonoyta still has such terrible potholes. So much for understanding or valuing tourism). Nonetheless, I was headed to Arizona because of a plan to help a former condo rental guest. “M” had recently told me he was a newly discovered Stage 4 cancer patient.
The way the unusual and unexpected conversation went, I invited M to make an appointment with my longtime friend, Shawn Warwick, of Scottsdale. Dr. Shawn is a gifted healing practitioner who is unique in healing skills and coolness. Not only did I set up the appointment for M, I promised to meet him there and provide support. Both Shawn and I felt good about doing this and smiled considering neither one of us had even met M before.
Lukeville, Arizona Port of Entry
Speaking of cool, by the time I reached Sonoyta, it felt comfortable enough to put down the top of the Mustang GT convertible. I was excited about the opportunity to drive through the Arizona desert for what I hoped would be another spectacular sunset. Being a sunset lover, I felt like I was rewarded in advance for the good deed I was about to do.
After crossing the border, I pulled over for a moment just to let the emotion sink in. A handful of people were headed south to Mexico. Like the empty Sonoran Sun photo above, I couldn’t help but think how different the scene would be the very next day.
On a whim, I pulled out my phone and recorded a video. I just started talking from the heart, not following any script. Call it an act of Labor Day Love. Nothing more. Nothing less. Without much thought why I did it, I then posted the video on Facebook simply because I had a signal there. By the time I got home a couple hours later, I discovered the message was indeed getting through to people. Furthermore, it felt empowering to see how being vulnerable and personal could find a place among all the nasty comments people leave in Rocky Point Mexico Groups on Facebook.
Here is a link to the video: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/eZc33HKQQsYfYtqP/
Thomas Baldrick Follow Up
UPDATE: Just a few days later, there is a new example that “A little goes a long way.” This impromptu little video has attracted well over 8,000 views. Whereas, that number would be a drop in the Sea of Cortez for YouTube influencers. However, for the Rocky Point community on Facebook, you don’t often see videos get that much play.
Maybe all we need to turn the tide of Rocky Point social media is to make more waves of kindness. It could be a labor of love. Then this time next year, we could celebrate an anniversary of how it all began with a little Labor Day Love that went a long way.