FIrst, you might need to think differently here. Instead, you could be upside down to read this Lukeville Port of Entry news. Why, you ask? Because the mess on Arizona’s southern border has gotten worse. Unfortunately, things have gotten so bad, reality as we knew it is turned completely upside down.
It seems like just yesterday. Americans were free to use this border check point. Coincidentally, it was yesterday.
Literally, the night and day difference is because the Lukeville Port of Entry is closed. U.S. Customs and Border Protection Agency (CBP) locked the gates tonight at 8:00 p.m. like always. However, the shocking news is they will remain that way until further notice.
“Overwhelmed” by Illegal Immigration

Illegal immigration is obviously nothing new around Lukeville, Arizona. The problem did not surface suddenly. But the real change lately in illegal immigration here is the rapid rise in sheer volume. The current numbers are significantly greater than a year or even a few months ago. Lukeville’s skyrocketing immigration total for just last week was announced as 17,500. WOW.
Recently, I made one of my typical down and back trips from Chandler, Arizona to Rocky Point Mexico. It was a weekday afternoon in late October. I was in Lukeville waiting unexpectedly in a line of cars to reach the Mexico side. Meantime, I chatted casually with a CBP Agent.
In that moment, I simply could not believe my eyes. Me, a guy who passes through the Lukeville Port of Entry about 100 times a year.
Undoubtedly, they were well into the hundreds. Immigrants of all ages being directed by U.S. Border Patrol agents. They walked orderly right past my passenger side door. I could easily hear people talking and little ones crying.
Don’t be fooled into thinking these were all Mexican citizens fleeing their country.
Simply calling it a surprise would be an understatement. Clearly, I can recognize people of African descent. I said to the CBP Agent, “I have NEVER seen so many African people in my life.” He instantly replied, “I have. You wouldn’t believe the numbers coming through here. We are overwhelmed. Immigration has made it we can’t do our jobs anymore like we’re supposed to.”
(Consider that should you blame the Lukeville Customs and Border Protection workers for the shutdown).
Lukeville Port of Entry – Central Border Point in Arizona

Lukeville is the daily, mandatory safe passage spot for travelers to and from the beach in Puerto Peñasco (a.k.a.) Rocky Point Mexico. It sits at the very bottom of Pima County. You will find is squeezed in between the southernmost side of the Arizona border and the northernmost side of Sonoyta, Sonora, Mexico.
Perhaps you think of Lukeville, Arizona as being in the middle of nowhere, or deeply in the desert. With either answer, you are correct. Personally, there may be many like me who also think of it of the last place to buy American gasoline. And more importantly, the last bathroom on the U.S. side of the border.
Regardless, most do not realize how centrally located the Lukeville Port of Entry is for the masses. Furthermore, its accuracy is sneakily impressive upon further review.
Did you know?…
Lukeville is 150 miles from Phoenix. Comparatively, it is also 152 miles from Tucson.
Now how is that for a border stop equally accommodating the state’s 2 largest cities? Overall, just a 2-mile driving distance between the Arizona’s 2 most highly populated areas. Unless you are stickler for statistics, that is about as identically a long road trip as you will find.
Basically, that means everyone has similarly long and boring drives through the desert to reach Mexico. And oh, how we would happily do them again. Hopefully, we can soon. Until then, we wait patiently or impatiently.
Rocky Point is open while Lukeville Port of Entry is closed.
Yet it sure does feel like it. Hence, the statewide frustration and public outcry. How upside down is this? Immigrants are using this location to enter the United States illegally. Ironically, they are the only ones being dealt with by CBP right now. Meanwhile, the drive-thru gates are locked for every law-abiding citizen hoping to legally pass through the Lukeville Port of Entry.

“Arizona’s Beach” feels much farther away. And for good reason. Consider the next closest border crossings:
The Nogales Port of Entry is a 232-mile trip from Lukeville. Therefore, you will be driving at least an additional 3.5 hours going this way.
Whereas, the San Luis Port of Entry is 127 miles away. Thus, you will spend at least 2.5 more hours driving on this route.
Let’s try “Keepin’ It Real”for you. There are 2 potentially negative factors with the Lukeville alternatives:
How long will the Lukeville Port of Entry be closed?
First, public officials will likely have to play out the trusty, “Blame game.” Indeed, there are many places where one could easily lay blame. More importantly, there are many layers to the southern border immigration problem which need solutions. Generally, the system didn’t get broken overnight. Hence, it will not be fixed overnight either.
Secondly, we could expect the pressure to re-open the border to build with each passing day. However, that doesn’t guarantee a speedy solution. So sadly, the burning question remains alive and well. How long will the Lukeville Port of Entry be closed? We must wait for the answer. Meantime, many frustrated people on both sides of the border will keep burning with anger.