To begin with, we like ideas. And because of that we aim to create something different with Sonoran Sun Direct. One example is our Rocky Point Perks project. Let’s see if it can somehow get a “yes” out of you.
Do you like going to Rocky Point Mexico? Might you generally appreciate a little something extra? And perhaps most importantly, do you like to have fun?
If you answered no to those questions, you could surely use a trip to Puerto Peñasco. A healthy dose of “Vitamin Sea” can do wonders for you. Moreover, we will do all we can to help make that a reality. On the other hand, if you were on board with your answers, then come on in. Luckily, the bottle is already open. And the chips and salsa are on the table.
Rocky Points Perks is for You.
Here is a look at what we already have planned for you with the Rocky Points Perks project:
Special offers on future stays through Sonoran Sun Direct.
First access to Sonoran Sun Direct events and promotions.
Sonoran Sun swag.
Special offers from local businesses in Puerto Peñasco or connected to it.
Fun contests.
Cool and totally lame prizes.
And plenty of good times, too.

Admittedly, temptation to bite off more than we can chew was there. It was sitting right in front of me like a big plate of yumminess. Naturally, the idea of a full-fledged, all-in, points and rewards program was researched and strongly considered. Yet, sometimes your brain can play tricks on you, right? Like, when it says, “You bet. You absolutely need one more margarita.”
Somewhere, a voice of reason and resistance rose to the top. Basically, upon further review it feels too much too soon at the start of Sonoran Sun Direct. Perhaps such an idea will happen organically with growth.
In the meantime, we are intentionally calling Rocky Point Perks, a “project.” It is a work in progress. A fluid situation. However, we will indeed come up with perks like the ones listed above. And be prepared for some spur of the moment ones, too.
Join the Rocky Point Perks project
It is easy because all you have to do to join is follow us in social media. Any one you like. Besides, of course it is free…and therefore worth every bit of it. (Please read that again if you missed the joke).
Thank you kindly for your interest in Rocky Point Perks. Let the fun and perks begin.