Yes friends, the rumors are indeed true. The Rocky Point Podcast will be coming back soon. And Thomas Baldrick will be returning as the host.
The popular podcast attracted thousands of followers as it covered all things Puerto Peñasco. The content topics included news, feature stories, and interviews. Sometimes there was helpful information. Other times insightful commentary. But always the goal was to be interesting, entertaining, and above all… time well spent.
The truth is Thomas Baldrick never intended to do away with the Rocky Point Podcast. Like so many other things the United States, Mexico, and other parts of the world, it simply became a casualty of the Covid-19 pandemic. Then, because of more change and life circumstances, momentum got in the way of the podcast’s return. This despite requests from the public consistently asking Thomas Baldrick, “when” not “if” he would get back behind the microphone.
Rocky Point Podcast Returning
Will the Rocky Point Podcast be the same as it was before? Well, yes and no. There will be some similarities to previous episodes. There will be a variety of topics and emotions from tugging at your heart strings to ticking your funny bone. Plus, introducing, investigating, and inspiring the people, places, and things relevant to those who explore Rocky Point Mexico.
The bottom line is you will have to listen for yourself. And if it is like before, Thomas Baldrick and the Rocky Point Podcast will give you plenty of reasons to want to listen.