Today we enjoyed a Sonoran Sun Dolphins Show. It is fairly safe to say this is a big deal because there is typically not much activity in Puerto Peñasco in January. However, if you are like me, any opportunity when you can see a dolphin will probably make your day. Therefore, based on those terms, I must have already made my month.
Since 2025 began with New Year’s Day on this day exactly two weeks earlier, the turnover from one year to the next was a quiet celebration in Rocky Point Mexico. Most of us who rent Sonoran Sun condos have been anticipating the 3-day Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday weekend would be the busiest time of the month. On the other hand, I’m truly thrilled with what has been going on this week from my balcony at Sonoran Sun 510 East.
Much to See on the Sea of Cortez
For a visually driven guy, it has been exciting despite the cold and the quiet conditions. Monday evening, I arrived just in time to enjoy a soothing orange sunset over the Sea of Cortez and Sandy Beach. Meanwhile, yesterday was unusual because we had shrimp boats quite close to shore. I have never watched them from my condo balcony before because we don’t often see them offshore near the Sonoran Sun.
The shrimping went on all day yesterday. Whereas today, the playful Sonoran Sun Dolphins Show felt more like a short-lived game of hide and seek.
Sonoran Sun Dolphins Show

I was on the telephone with Rocky Point Handy Man, Todd Kelly. We were talking technology as well as how amazing the magic of the universe was. I walked out on the balcony looking out on the Sea of Cortez and yelled, “Dolphins!” The few people around the heated pool got up to look. I’m lucky I didn’t go down 5 floors after falling over the railing with excitement.
For years, I would anxiously look out on the sea for dolphins because I just love them. However, I grew convinced it must have been a one-way love affair. But in recent months, I’ve been more lucky in love. Just to clarify, I’m strictly talking about dolphins. I’ve been spotting them pretty regularly. A lot of times it seems to be just one. Other times, I can count two or three. No doubt about it. Today was a jackpot.
I don’t know if it was just one pod of dolphins or more. However, my best guess was I watching about 10 of them. I was trying to count but also trying to record the video below through my phone. All this, with my childlike exuberance. The whole thing was less than 2 minutes in real time. I did my best and I hope you enjoy watching it. I can tell you it will be much easier to see the friendly fin creatures if you can view the video on a desktop or laptop computer.
My goodness this has been a scenic week on the Sea of Cortez. And holy guacamole it is only Wednesday.