Don’t get too excited. Unfortunately, it is not the massive change at the border so many want between the USA and Mexico. Finally, it appears someone heard the all-too-common complaints. Tijuana signs are coming to help visitors find their way to the United States. This is welcome news for those from California driving home to Puerto Peñasco.
Tijuana signs for USA begin January 2024
The city of Tijuana took forever to acknowledge the widely known problem. For years, drivers were challenged by tricky if not downright confusing conditions. The difficulty to navigate the roads around the border crossing at the San Ysidro Port of Entry was an unwanted adventure.
The first Tijuana signs will be visible once drivers reach 2 miles from the border. “We’ll be posting signs to help people get to the United States,” said Karim Chalita Rodríguez. She is president of the city’s Convention and Tourism Committee in Tijuana. The change of heart is partly because they hope the Tijuana signs will help the local economy. That helps to explain why the job will be handled by the city’s economic development secretary.
The issue is beyond just the reality that drivers get lost, frustrated. and upset. Rodriguez admitted, “Sometimes people get in the wrong lanes causing traffic delays. In addition, this can result in traffic citations.”
Tijuana and San Diego: Next Door Neighbors
Millions reside in Southern California and Baja California. Furthermore, thousands cross the U.S. border with Mexico daily through San Ysidro on a daily basis. This is because kids go to schools, people work jobs, and visit friends and family between countries. The Tijuana signs will be helpful to many.

Granted, that doesn’t help to quiet the anger and frustration so many travelers feel not being allowed to use the Lukeville, Arizona Port of Entry with Sonoyta, Sonora, Mexico. This is the most popular way to and from Puerto Peñasco.
Apologies to the travelers from Arizona and other states. For the meantime, all are forced to take the alternate options through Nogales, San Luis, or Los Algodones. Safe travels whichever road you take. And if you are from California, congratulations on finally getting the much-needed Tijuana signs.
The photo below may provide added perspective. The experience sure did it for me. Perhaps you will be less inclined to complain about the wait at the Lukeville Port of Entry. Yikes!